Pantaneto Introductory Physics Series – Seven titles in this series have just become available and can be ordered direct from the publishers here.
The proceedings of the Fourth Science Matters Conference, which we reported in Issue 53, January 2014, have been published by Pantaneto Press. The print version is priced at £30, but for direct orders we are offering a 20% discount plus postage.
Mindboggling: Preliminaries to a science of the mind by Roy Harris. Do you have a mind? Answers to this question have divided Western thinkers for centuries, and still do. Mindboggling sets out to identify a nucleus of basic issues about the mind, and present the main arguments for and against in each case. Targeted to a lay readership, each chapter discusses a different theory, myth or idea about the mind. Anticipate wails from theorists whose theories have been given short shrift. Mindboggling is available from Amazon (including Kindle), from Bookshops or direct from Publishers.
Science on Television by Bienvenido León.
The book is a clear and systematic guide to the narrative and rhetorical techniques used by science documentary filmmakers. The book is priced at £18.50, but for direct orders we are offering a 20% discount. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle.
Motivating Science is a collection of articles from the first five years of The Pantaneto Forum. We are offering a 20% discount for direct orders. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle.
This quarter’s issue presents four papers written by students from a class at Renmin University of China’s “International Summer School 2015” and published in the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
The course was “Humanities, Science, Scimat” (HuSS) which was created and taught by Professor Lui Lam. Scimat (Science Matters) is a new multidiscipline introduced by Lam in 2007/2008. Conceptually, it represents the four tenets that (1) Science is humans’ effort to understand Nature without bringing in God or any supernatural; (2) Science covers everything in Nature; (3) Nature includes humans and all nonhuman systems; (4) all research on human matters, humanities in particular, are part of science.
The course consisted of 32 sessions, each 45 minutes long, with three parallel components: (1) The instructor introduced the proper relationships between humanities and (natural) science, from the perspective of scimat and with new developments in history, arts and philosophy. (2) The 27 students were divided into 5 research teams and worked on a research topic of their choice. Students presented progress report in class; each team handed in a formal paper at end of course. (3) The teams were treated and guided like research teams.
The papers were written on four topics, which the students regarded as important in their lives: mobile-phones, youth, cars and marriage, and were all written by students within a month of completing their course.
Nigel Sanitt Editor
ISSN 1741-1572