Issue 29: January 2008
Science on Television by Bienvenido León.
The book is a clear and systematic guide to the narrative and rhetorical techniques used by science documentary filmmakers. The book is priced at £18.50, but for direct orders we are offering a 20% discount.
Motivating Science, is a collection of articles from the first five years of The Pantaneto Forum. We are offering a 20% discount for direct orders.
The Bologna process is a European wide programme the aim of which is to create a common university degree structure, in order to facilitate mobility within higher education. Mobility is a key element in increasing innovation and global competitiveness. In “The Bologna Process: A Regional Response to Global Challenges”, Jan Sadlak sets out the thinking behind the plan and the current state of play, which at present includes 46 European countries.
In the area of scientific innovation and achievement, attention tends to focus on India and China as areas of phenomenal growth. The idea that Africa may, in the future, be an important player seems a remote possibility, given the continent’s problems with AIDS, wars, famine, corruption, lack of infrastructure and many other problems. In “Science in Africa: Lessons to Learn”, Mohamed Hassan sets out the problems and some of the strategies needed to create a better scientific environment in Africa.
In an article in issue 22 of The Pantaneto Forum, “A few Nails and a Yard of Wire”, Keith Warren, from Mozambique, demonstrated the sheer thirst for science amongst young people and what can be achieved by tapping into this resource, with few teaching materials. In the end, the greatest resource countries have are their people and, in spite of present day problems, in twenty years time we may come to regard Africa as the “New China”.
“Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics” is a well-known adage. In “Making a Difference, Not Faking a Difference”, David Goddard promotes good communication skills and an ethical ethos for statisticians, in order to promote a better understanding of statistics. He uses examples from his background in the health sciences, but his message is applicable to all areas where statistics are employed.
Most people have a limited understanding of statistics. In order to counteract this problem, Patrick Murphy organizes a “taster” course in statistics for students majoring in Psychology and Politics. In “Concepts instead of Computations: Enhancing statistical literacy”, he describes a course which concentrates on concepts and critical thinking and directly challenges student’s negative perceptions and apathy towards the subject.
Nigel Sanitt
ISSN 1741-1572
The Bologna Process: A Regional Response to Global Challenges, Jan Sadlak
Science in Africa: Lessons to Learn, Mohamed H. A. Hassan
Concepts Instead of Computations: Enhancing Statistical Literacy, Patrick Murphy